Wool Exporting 101
Wool fibre and wool products are subject to a range of requirements that differ based on the level of processing that has occurred, the type of product made, its intended use and the destination market. Producers, operators and exporters must meet requirements set by the New Zealand Government and the destination market throughout the exporting process.
Six main government agencies play a part in primary industry exports:
- Ministry for Primary Industries (MPI)
Sets regulatory standards for food and agricultural products. MPI verifies that standards are met and provides assurances to overseas markets.
- Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade
Builds and maintains trade relationships for New Zealand’s goods and services.
- New Zealand Customs Service
Monitors export goods and encourages New Zealand’s international trade.
- New Zealand Trade and Enterprise
The Government’s international trade promotion and business development agency.
- Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment
Supports business growth for economic development.
- Medsafe (the Ministry of Health)
The authority responsible for the regulation of therapeutic products in New Zealand.
These agencies have produced a range of resources and there are services available to support companies to export products.
1. The Ministry for Primary Industries has an Exporter Regulatory Advice Service (ERAS), which produces several useful resources:
- For first time businesses, the Ducks in a Row module is a great place to start. It gives an outline of the whole exporting process.
- The steps to exporting wool is a guide from start to finish of the exporting process specifically for wool, skins and hides.
- The main menu of wool exports, shows the steps to exporting wool, the fees and charges page, and the registers and lists page.
- For exporting to Australia, businesses should check the Australian Government’s Biosecurity Import Conditions tool (BICON) and ensure their product meets all requirements set by the destination market.
- MPI provides information on specific destination market or country requirements for exporters. For example, if you are exporting to Australia, you can find Australia-specific requirements. Search for OMAR information (Overseas Market Access Requirements) here. You will require a NZ Government RealMe account to access some of this information. Create a RealMe account here.
The home page for MPI’s online export resources is here. You can contact the Exporter Regulatory Advice Service on exporterhelp@mpi.govt.nz
2. The NZ Customs Service provide ‘Start Exporting’ advice, which can be found here.
3. New Zealand Trade & Enterprise (NZTE) provides Export Strategy resources and Market Guides for individual countries. Access them here. A useful NZTE summary of the exporting process, and what you need to do, can be found here.
4. The Ministry for Business, Employment and Innovation (MBIE) provide a high-level resource on exporting, including a self-assessment (‘Getting Ready to Export’) and a checklist of things to consider before exporting, including price setting, logistics and tariffs, language and culture, and risk. Access this information here.
5. The Ministry for Foreign Affairs and Trade (MFAT) provides a range of resources, including a Help Desk and Market Intelligence Reports. Access this information here. Or email exports@mfat.govt.nz / phone 0800 824 605.
6. Chambers of Commerce assist with export certification. Information, answers to FAQs and some exporting guides are available on the NZ Chambers of Commerce website here.
7. Individual advice can be sought from logistics and export services companies. For example, a short case study on exporting merino goods, prepared by DHL, can be found here. Many export services companies exist.
8. Trade Barriers. A report on trade barriers commissioned by Wool Impact is available here. A spreadsheet created by Wool Impact, capturing the tariffs for current and emerging products and markets is available here.
You can download a copy of this information here.